Providing Osteopathy & Orofacial Myology for Infants, Children & Adults

Osteopathy : Manual medicine with a focus on whole body health.

Our qualified and experienced team of practitioners provide care from our osteopathy clinics in Frankston, Healesville and Lilydale and also offer online appointments. Our aim is to help you feel better, move better and stay well!
Children & Infants | Osteopathy Connections
Osteopathy Connections | Pre & Post Natal Care
Osteopathy Connections | Muscle Pain

How We May Help

Osteopathy may assist with a wide range of conditions. Here are some of the major areas we focus on:

Osteopathy for Women

We provide support and treatments for pre and post natal care, parenting musculoskeletal strain/injury; breast care (including ultrasound) for mastitis, blocked ducts and engorgement; peri-menopausal body care; and treatmet for pelvic girdle pain, sacro-iliac pain and sciatica.

Paediatric Osteopathy

We may assist with concerns for your child's body such as uneven or limited mobility; infant feeding support (breastfeeding, bottle feeding and beyond); plagiocephaly or torticollis; growing pains; birth strains or concerns on motor development or coordination (including work with retained primtiive reflexes).

Muscle Pain, Back & Neck Pain, Headaches & Arthritis

General Osteopathy treatments for head-to-toe care. Helping patients with poor posture, disc injury, joint sprains, muscle strain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic pain and more. We have a team to offer you a variety of treatment styles to suit your preference.

Osteopathy Connections | Orofacial Myofacial Therapy

Orofacial Myology & Tongue Tie Rehabilitation

Exercise-based therapy for children of all ages, aimed to improve patterns of oral muscle function to support face and jaw growth, optimal breathing, chewing and speaking.
Tongue tie assessments & individualised rehabilitation plans for patients of all ages.

Mouth Matters - FREE Tongue Tie Assessment

(All ages)

Movement Matters - Free Development Screening

(0-2 year olds)

FREE Newborn Checks*

*Available for new babies of existing patients. By appointment only.

FREE Soft-tissue sessions for mums*

*Available for birth parent of our infant patients. By appointment only.

Our Osteopaths are trained in Paediatric Osteopathy, Orofacial Myology, and Obstetric Osteopathy.

If part of your body is giving you symptoms (pain, stiffness, inflammation etc) then we want to know WHY – because symptoms occur for a reason. Symptoms are your body’s way of talking to you and telling you something needs to change.

We aim to work WITH  your body to help it change. The treatment techniques we use may be similar to many used by other manual practitioners, but the intent, reasoning and skill in the application is where the Osteopathic difference is found.

Osteopathy comes from a viewpoint of holism. We view the body as a complex, interrelated machine with an incredible self-healing mechanism.

In our work, every day is different and every body is different. Incredible considering we’re all made of essentially the same parts, but HOW those parts work together and the story the body tells is so unique to each of you. Amazing!

Osteopathy Connections | Sciatica
Children & Infants | Osteopathy Connections

We Aim to help you feel:

Connected to your health and the outcomes you desire

Connected to resources to better understand your health picture

Connected to a practitioner, and a practice, who really cares for you!

Connected to a vision for a more comfortable future for YOU!


Professionally-recommended products we prescribe with confidence to help you reach your health goals!

Products are available for purchase at Frankston & Healesville clinics. Please enquire if you wish to purchase from one of our smaller clinics, so we can arrange stock for you.

Community & Events

Discover what’s on at Osteopathy Connections with our upcoming events along with clinic updates and offers.

Osteopathy Connections | Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Paediatric Orofacial Myology course for Osteopaths and Allied Health

A face-to-face course for Health Professionals with a focus on the paediatric population (6months – 6yrs)

  • How to screen for oral-motor dysfunction;
  • Screening for sleep and airways issues;
  • Basics of play-based, MEANINGFUL oral-motor therapy to support your young patients.

The consensus amongst professionals supportive of orofacial myology concepts to address breathing, sleeping, eating, speaking & oral-rest posture is to “Fix before 6yrs”

Email for more information about our next course.

Orofacial Myology Screening & Support COMING SOON via Telehealth

2025 will see us launch our remote services for families with comprehensive screening and education packages for rural and remote families or those who find getting into a clinic setting too tricky. 

Lauren Boundy Senior Osteopath | Osteopathy Connections

Complimentary Discovery Call with Dr Lauren Boundy

A 15-minute Complimentary Discovery Call for prosepctive New Patients to speak with with Dr Lauren Boundy – Clinical Director. 
Dr Lauren will help you understand if your needs are something we can assist you with & help connect you one of our practitioners who is a good fit for your needs.

*specific medical advice cannot be provided in this call.

We Look forward to welcoming you to our clinics.

Lauren Boundy Senior Osteopath | Osteopathy Connections
“No matter your age or stage in life you deserve to receive patient-centred care, and support to work toward your health goals. We'd love to help you on your journey.”
Dr Lauren Boundy
Senior Osteopath

Our Locations

Osteopathy Connections have four convenient clinic locations across Melbourne in Frankston, Lilydale & Helaesville.